Ning Bi got her PhD in Computer Science from University of Leeds, where she worked on Deep Learning-based medical image processing, supervised by Prof. Alejandro Frangi.
Ning received received B.Sc. in Computer Science from ShanghaiTech University, China in 2019. During this degree, Ning devoted in Computer Vision, from classical approaches to advanced deep-learning-based ones. In the meantime, she also joined Shanghaitech Vision and Intelligent Perception (SVIP) LAB as a research assistant. I involved in projects focusing on developing deep-learning methods in Object Detection and Object Tracking. In 2019, I joined Computational Imaging & Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine Lab (CISTIB) at UoL as a full-time Ph.D. student funded by EPSRC Doctoral Training Partnership.
As close to completing my Ph.D. degree, I am currently looking for a UK/EU-based research internship/graduate position in machine learning, medical image processing and related fields.
I'm interested in computer vision, machine learning, and medical image processing. Much of my research in my Ph.D. is about cardiac motion and anatomical structure analysis. Representative papers are highlighted.